I had a dream where I usually pulled out some teeth on the left side of my mouth one long one and a couple small ones I put them on a space on my bed and pull the container that kind of look like a pringle can or pringle can container but before I could put them in the container I lost all of the teeth
Dreams about teeth falling out or pulling teeth are common and can have various interpretations. In general, teeth in dreams can represent power, confidence, and communication abilities. Since you are pulling out teeth in this dream, it may suggest a sense of losing some control over your communication skills or the ability to speak up about your opinions.
Furthermore, the fact that you lost all the teeth before being able to put them into the container could imply a feeling of helplessness or inability to retain a sense of power or control. This loss may be related to a current situation in your waking life where you feel overwhelmed or struggling to maintain control.
The container that resembles a Pringle can may indicate a desire to preserve or contain something valuable, but losing the teeth may suggest a sense of frustration or disappointment with the outcome. Perhaps you feel like something important is slipping away from you in your life, and you are struggling to keep it together. It may be helpful to reflect on any challenges or sources of stress you are currently facing and how they may be impacting your communication or sense of control.